If you want to launch your very own self-hosting WordPress site, but you’re not tech-savvy. You can try Digital Ocean.
Digital Ocean provides really simple steps to get your site up and running in less than 5 minutes.
Step 1: Sign up for a DigitalOcean account.
Get a $100 DigitalOcean credit to use for two months.
Step 2: Create DigitalOcean Droplet
- Create -> Droplet -> Choose an image -> Marketplace (WordPress 5.8 on Ubuntu 20.04)
- Choose Plan
- Choose Datacenter
- Authentication Type
- Choose a Hostname
- Create Droplet
Step 3: Initialize WordPress in the Droplet
- Access Console
- Launch Droplet Console
- Input your password
- Set Domain/Subdomain Name
- Set admin Email Address for your WordPress
- Set Username and Password for your WordPress
- Set Blog Title
- Confirm your information to continue
- Confirm LetsEncrypt (certbot) to configure SSL
- Now We are ready to visit our WordPress site